People celebrate New Year as it marks the start of a fresh new start, new hopeful resolutions, or new goals to accomplish. When it comes to a list of resolutions, you can start from the simplest thing, such as never skipping breakfast or being on time to work every single day. Some of you are probably thinking of making a major change, like moving into a new city for your study, or maybe one of your goals is to engage in more creative projects. With the long list of stuff that you want to achieve,…
People celebrate New Year as it marks the start of a fresh new start, new hopeful resolutions, or new goals to accomplish. When it comes to a list of resolutions, you can start from the simplest thing, such as never skipping breakfast or being on time to work every single day. Some of you are probably thinking of making a major change, like moving into a new city for your study, or maybe one of your goals is to engage in more creative projects. With the long list of stuff that you want to achieve,…
Exam week is just around the corner! Does it mean that you need to put an all-nighter to prepare yourself for the upcoming exam? Well, you don’t need to if you study effectively. Here are a few tips to make studying a fun experience while still maintaining its effectiveness! Know Yourself Yes, you’ve heard it right. Know yourself and know which learning style suits you best. To get you started, there are four basic learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and physical. Visual learners…
Exam week is just around the corner! Does it mean that you need to put an all-nighter to prepare yourself for the upcoming exam? Well, you don’t need to if you study effectively. Here are a few tips to make studying a fun experience while still maintaining its effectiveness! Know Yourself Yes, you’ve heard it right. Know yourself and know which learning style suits you best. To get you started, there are four basic learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and physical. …
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best universities,
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The idea of studying abroad is great for many reasons. As a student, you’ll have the chance to dive into plenty of new experiences by moving to a different country. You’ll make new friends, you’ll speak a foreign language, you’ll live in a new neighborhood, and last but not least, you’ll most probably live on your own. Yes, living on your own may sound a bit intimidating. You should weigh all the pros and cons before deciding on which university or city to go to. Luckily,…
Artikel / Tags:
top universities,
top cities,
best cities,
The idea of studying abroad is great for many reasons. As a student, you’ll have the chance to dive into plenty of new experiences by moving to a different country. You’ll make new friends, you’ll speak a foreign language, you’ll live in a new neighborhood, and last but not least, you’ll most probably live on your own. Yes, living on your own may sound a bit intimidating. You should weigh all the pros and cons before deciding on which university or city to go to. Luckily,…
Understanding the study style is an important thing in order to enhance your potential and your study results. By knowing your dominant study style, you can found the best method or way of study so your study can be more effective and efficient, hence the result will be more optimum. There are several categories about study style. This time, we will discuss about the study style based on VAK model, those are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. According to Sutanto (2006), the way of someone studies…
Artikel / Tags:
tipe belajar,
tipe belajar visual,
tipe belajar auditori,
tipe belajar kinestetik,
les privat,
les privat jakarta,
les privat bahasa,
les privat matematika
Mengetahui tipe atau gaya belajar adalah hal penting untuk meningkatkan potensi dan hasil belajarmu. Dengan mengetahui tipe belajar dominan, Kamu dapat menentukan metode atau cara belajar yang tepat sehingga belajar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien sehingga hasil belajarmu akan semakin optimal. Ada banyak pengelompokan tipe belajar, pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang tipe belajar model VAK, yaitu visual, auditori, dan kinestetik. Menurut Sutanto (2006), tipe belajar seseorang…
Artikel / Tags:
pertama kali mengajar les privat,
les privat,
grogi mengajar pertama kali,
mengatasi grogi,
menjadi guru les privat yang baik,
les privat yang baik,
guru les privat,
guru les privat pertama,
guru les privat pertama kali,
mengajar pertama kali,
les privat jakarta,
les privat nasional,
les privat internasional
Everyone can be a private course tutor. A full-time teacher, lecturer, or even a college student can be a private course tutor. Seems so easy, but actually it has quite big challenges and responsibilities. A good tutor has to understand its student’s problem very well and give a solution for it. He also has to adapt faster with a new student and understand its characteristic as well as its needs. He also has to be proactive in term of student monitoring to know his student’s progress…
Profesi guru privat menjadi pekerjaan umum yang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Seorang guru di sekolah, dosen, atau bahkan mahasiswa pun bisa menjadi guru privat. Kelihatannya simple, tapi sebenarnya seorang guru privat punya tuntutan dan tanggung jawab yang besar. Guru privat yang baik harus bisa mengerti apa yang menjadi masalah siswa dan memberikan solusinya. Dia juga dituntut untuk bisa beradaptasi secara cepat tentang karakter dan kebutuhan siswa serta proaktif dalam monitoring penuh perkembangan…
Private course is a commonly used method to helps students cope with the school lectures, music, technology and other skills used in daily life such as cooking, sewing, etc. this private course is considered to be more effective compared to the conventional group study with a tutor. Why? Here are some facts about the advantages of private course. 1. Student can be more focus with a full attention from the tutor When studying in the class, student frequently complained about the environment…
Ujian. Ini biasanya menjadi kata yang mengerikan bagi sebagian siswa. Apa yang harus dipersiapkan menjelang ujian? Ini adalah 7 tips dalam mempersiapkan beberapa jenis ujian. Simak tips berikut. Jangan terlalu cemas Hilangkan rasa cemasmu yang berlebihan bahwa kamu tidak dapat melewatinya. Jika Kamu yakin kami bisa akan berhasil atau kamu yakin kamu tidak bisa melewatinya, maka kamu benar. Saya melihat banyak siswa merasa ujian adalah musuhnya. Jangan berpikir begitu. Persentase untuk bisa menjadi…
Les privat merupakan metode pembelajaran yang banyak digunakan saat ini. Les privat banyak dipilih untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mata pelajaran sekolah, musik, bahasa, teknologi, dan keterampilan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti memasak, menjahit, dan lain-lain. Metode pembelajaran les privat dianggap lebih efektif daripada les di bimbingan belajar. Mengapa? Berikut fakta tentang keunggulan les privat. Siswa Lebih Fokus dengan Perhatian Penuh dari Guru Saat belajar di kelas, anak seringkali…
Examination. Its a scary world for some students. What must you prepare to pass the examination? This 7 tips is applied for every type of examinations. Let us check it out. 1. No limiting belief please – Remove the limiting belief that you can’t pass. – If you believe you can pass or you believe you cannot pass, you are…
Wandering the Internet a couple weeks back, I ran across an article by Charles Wheelan, “Want Good Schools? First, Define ‘Good’,” which raises the interesting question of how we should measure a “good” education. “Schools with high test scores,” Wheelan writes, “may or may not be doing a great job; perhaps their students are capable of much more. And conversely, some schools with middling or poor test scores may be doing a terrific…